As If I Am Not There (2010)
Titre original : As If I Am Not ThereSortie : 2010-07-26
Score : 6.8 de 7 utilisateurs
Durée : 109 min.
Directeur : Euroimages Fund of the Council of Europe
Pays : Germany
Langue : English
Genres : Drama,War
Synopsis : Samira, jeune femme de Sarajevo, voit sa vie basculer le jour où elle est déportée dans une région lointaine de Bosnie. Emprisonnée dans un entrepôt, elle apprend vite les règles et la vie du camp. Quand elle est choisie pour « amuser » les soldats, le cauchemar commence.

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Etoiles :
as if i am not there film 2010 allocin ~ as if i am not there est un film ralis par juanita wilson ii avec natasa petrovic fedja stukan. synopsis samira jeune femme sarajevo voit sa vie basculer le jour o elle est .
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trailer du film as if i am not there as if i am not ~ regaz la ba annonce du film as if i am not there as if i am not there baannonce vf. as if i am not there un film juanita wilson ii
as if i am not there 2010 rotten tomatoes ~ adaptedom a book by slavenka drakulic as if i am not here received its north american premiere at the 2010 toronto international film festival. home top box office
as if i am not there stellanova film ~ as if im not there is about a remarkable woman who endured the mostightful and traumatic situation during the balkan wars in 1992 based on the acclaimed book by slavenka drakulic. as if im not there is produced by w eye films octagon films sektor film and stellanova film.
as if i am not there 2010 imdb ~ directed by juanita wilson. with natasha petrovic fedja stukan jelena jovanova sanja buric. a harsh dose of cinematic realism about a harsh timethe bosnian war of the 1990sjuanita wilsons drama is takenom true stories revealed during the international criminal tribunal in the hague. samira is a mrn schoolteacher in sarajevo who .
as if i am not there wikipdia ~ as if i am not there en yougoslave cyrilique kao da me nema en yougoslave latin signifiant je ne suis pas l est un film dramatique irlandais ralis par juanita wilson en en 2010. le film se droule dans les balkans et est tourn en langue serbocroate 1.
as if i am not there wikipedia ~ as if i am not there serbian kao da me nema is a 2010 drama film m by irish director juanita wilson. the film is set in the balkans and is shot in the serbocroatian language. it was selected as the irish entry for the best foreign language film at the 84th acmy awards but did not make the final shortlist.
as if i am not there film 2010 filmstarts ~ as if i am not there ein film von juanita wilson ii mit natasa petrovic fedja stukan. inhaltsangabe samira natasa petrovic ist eine mrne junge frau und lehrerin in sarajevo. im jahre 1992 .
as if am not there baannonce vo ~ as if i am not there 2010 drame rallis par juanita wilson avec natasha petrovic fedja stukan stellan skrgrd miraj grbic sortie prevue janvier 2013 lhistoire dune jeune femme .
as if i am not there review film the guardian ~
as if i am not there film 2013 ecranlarge ~
as if i am not there official film trailer ~ as if i am not there is a story of a young womanom sarajevo whose life is shattered the day a young soldier walks into her apartment and tells her to pack her things. roud up with the other .
le film as if i am not there 2010 vos film complet ~ as if i am not there film 2010 allocin.as if i am not there est un film ralis par juanita wilson ii avec natasa petrovic fedja stukan.
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